

31 January, 2025

76 bulls on offer at Weeran

We are heading into our 54th Bull Sale on Tuesday February, 25 2025 at 1pm, and invite you to visit our sale line up at the Beef Week Field Day on Wednesday 29th January.

Lot 3 - VHW23U36 by Sterling Pacific.
Lot 3 - VHW23U36 by Sterling Pacific.

Both two-year-old and eighteen-month-old bulls will be on display, along with a group of Registered HBR and APR PTIC females that will be offered for sale on AuctionsPlus following the field day.

Reference Sires include Sterling Pacific, Witherswood Bronc P197, Waitara Quidditch Q43, Landfall Mainland Q494, Myers Fair N Square, Dunoon Quambatook Q317 and TeMania Perique P1224.

There is plenty of power, calving ease, phenotype, docility and carcase from these sires. Sterling Pacific is creating a lot of interest in the industry.

We will have his second run of bulls for sale here at Weeran. His progeny are a standout. He is a powerful sire with top 1% growth data coupled with excellent docility and feed efficiency. His type and structure are flawless and with breed leading carcase weight and IMF, it makes him a must use in our eyes. We are excited to watch his progeny grow out.

Landfall Mainland continues to tick many boxes after his sons sold very well in the 2024 sales. Witherswood Bronc keeps producing top grade sale bulls. He has been in the production system for some time, and we are seeing his females now perform. He just continues to deliver.

Myers Fair N Square is an outcross sire with that extra shape the industry is always looking for. A very high growth and carcase bull. TeMania Perique also has a number of embryo sons in the sale, which are a very nice type. Waitara Quidditch is also a calving ease sire, who adds thickness to his progeny and incredibly quiet.

Fifty plus years of performance recording continues to this day by our enthusiastic team who share our passion. Every calf is weighed at birth, sale bulls and heifers scanned for IMF and EMA, regular weights taken and to top it off, genomics on all sale bulls.

To have the ‘actual’ information to back up the genomics, gives our figures great accuracy along with sire verification! The success of Weeran Angus is the honesty in our program along with the passion year in year out from our dedicated team. We are investing in top walking sires, along with using leading genetics in the AI and ET programs.

It is an exciting time to be offering these genetics with Alec Moore saying ….the beef boom is just around the corner!!!!!

The sale bulls have been bred from a cow herd of 850. The females are proving their worth with the ‘old girls’ still performing, alongside the newest and latest genetics joining them. You cannot underestimate the maternal power behind these bulls. A number of the bulls in our sale have also been used as yearlings in our own joining program. We have two sales a year which ensures our clients can access Weeran genetics when needed.

There are very strict parameters for the bulls to reach the sale. All bulls are structurally assessed by Dick Whale of IBMS and fertility tested by Nationwide A.B. Temperament is something we are very proud of, with Weeran having a great reputation for docility in the Cow herd and sale bulls. We receive fantastic feedback from clients to back this up.

We look forward to welcoming you at Beef Week on Wednesday 29th January and our on-property bull sale on Tuesday 25th February.

Please call us if you would like to visit us at another time to look at our program. We welcome your interest in Weeran Angus.

To keep up to date, please visit our website and also follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


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