11 December, 2024
Houdini takes the win
HOUDINI holds top spot on the Timboon and District Tennis Association ladder.
The side recently defeated The Young Ones four sets, 30 games to two sets, 27 games.
Kim and Steve Redshaw def Harvey Redshaw and Narelle Pride 2-6.
Linda Pender and Kate Croft def Darcy Croft and Paige Redshaw 6-4.
Kim Redshaw and Linda Pender lost to Harvey Redshaw and Darcy Croft 4-6.
Steve Redshaw and Kate Croft def Narelle Pride and Paige Redshaw 6-4.
Kim Redshaw and Kate Croft def Harvey and Paige Redshaw 6-2.
Steve Redshaw and Linda Pender def Narelle Pride and Darcy Croft 605.
Tik Tok five sets, 33 games defeated Sister Act one set, 21 games.
Maria Freeman and Anette Katsaros lost to Joanne Gledhill and Amy Rosolin 3-6.
Paula Fleming and Josh Lucas def Paige Holland and Brenna Redshaw 6-0.
Maria Freeman and Paula Fleming def Joanne Gledhill and Paige Holland 6-3.
Anette Katsaros and Josh Lucas def Amy Rosolin and Brenna Redshaw 6-2.
Maria Freeman and Josh Lucas def Joanne Gledhill and Brenna Redshaw 6-5.
Anette Katsaros and Paula Fleming def Amy Rosolin and Paige Holland 6-5.
Ladder: Houdini 20, The Young Ones 20, Tik Tok 14, The Apples 10, Sister Act 8.
Read More: Timboon