
General News

15 May, 2024

Magic at Port

SOMETHING magical is hiding away in a secret grove in Port Campbell.

By wd-news

Hidden world: Port Campbell residents have been delighted with a special fairy trail nestled away in a secret location in the town. Have you found it yet?
Hidden world: Port Campbell residents have been delighted with a special fairy trail nestled away in a secret location in the town. Have you found it yet?

A new family of magical beings has taken up residence, only emerging under the cover of night when their enchanting powers come to life.

The whimsical creatures are shrouded in secrecy, but if you approach them with respect, you may have the chance to visit their homes.

Locals were encouraged to follow a set of clues to find the location of the fairy grove in an anonymous post on The Beacon Newsletter – Port Campbell Community Facebook group.

Residents were delighted with the secret quest, posting photographs and thanks to the resident who set up the idea.

If you should go looking take care where you tread and watch your head on branches above.


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