17 April, 2024
Temporary bridge closed at Princetown
THE temporary bridge over the Gellibrand River at Princetown was closed to vehicles last week.

Montarosa Pty Ltd director Gavin Ronan said Corangamite Shire Council, as the responsible road authority, closed the bridge on April 11.
“The temporary bridge has been open since August 2023 to maintain access over the river whilst a new permanent bridge is constructed under Corangamite planning permit PP2016/126,” he said.
“The temporary bridge has been closed in accordance with conditions of this permit.
“New bridge works are well advanced (four of five spans have been installed) and, subject to river levels, the new bridge is expected to open in coming months.”
Mr Ronan said council has advised pedestrian access will remain in place over the temporary bridge for now.
He said vehicle access would not return until river levels recede and Corangamite Shire Council receives advice the temporary bridge is safe to reopen to vehicle traffic.
“We acknowledge this will impact the community and completion of the new bridge, and will continue to work with Corangamite during this process,” Mr Ronan said.
Princetown Recreation Reserve Committee of Management chair Darin Blain said the reserve committee had tried to get in contact with all people booked in to camp at the popular spot.
“Everyone that we had numbers for, we’ve contacted up until April 18,” he said.
“They have given us no date (for the bridge to re-open).”
Mr Blain urged residents to help spread the word to anyone they know of who had planned to stay at the reserve.
Corangamite Shire Council, which manages the road, is talking to the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority and Parks Victoria about whether the river mouth can artificially be opened to enable river flow.
Council has spoken to the Recreation Reserve committee and is aware of its concerns relating to many campers there and bookings in place for the weekend.
Read More: Princetown